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What is is an online digitizing tool that creates photo stitch embroidery sew files for your embroidery machine.

Upload photos of people, pets, or landscapes and not logos. 

For examples of designs produced by the system, please see the Gallery.


How to create an account

To create an account, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Create an account page.
  2. Provide a valid email address and select a username.
  3. Agree to the Terms of Service of the site.
  4. Fill in the CAPTCHA.
  5. Select "Create new account."
  6. Check your email for a confirmation message that contains a one-time link to log in and set your password.
  7. Click the link and set your password.
  8. In the future, you can easily log in at using your username and password.

Congratulations! You can now start using your new account.

Preparing a photo for digitizing.

To get the best design, start with the best picture. We recommend doing any editing before uploading. Photo editing on-site is limited to four tools, and you can do quite a bit with those tools. The tools are Crop, Trim, Color Eraser, and Flood Eraser.

Crop is an image-cropping tool. To use it, draw a box around the parts of the photo you want to keep.
Trim is an auto-crop for backgrounds. It will crop off the edges of the background if you have a color or transparent background.
Color Ereaser removes a color from the entire image.
Flood Ereaser removes a color starting at the color selection point and moving out to untell the color changes.

How to upload a photo.

After you create an account and log in.

  1. Select the Add Photo button in Photos
  2. Give your photo a name
  3. Select the Choose File and select your photo with the systems file browser.
  4. Press Save

Allowed types: png jpeg jpg jpe gif. 20 MB limit.

How to digitize a photo

Check that the photo is what you want the design to look like.

The recommendation is you digitize a photo multiple times to give you a selection. Every design produced is different, even with the same settings.

1. Press the Digitize button on the photo you want digitized  

2. Set the digitizing settings

  • The Hoop is the maximum design size.
  • Size of design height and width have locked proportions and set the design’s size, including any transparent pixels.
  • Thread Palettes ​​​​​​are the colors the system can pick.
  • Maximum colors are the number of colors the system can select from the thread palette.
  • Maximum cuts per color: The number of times a thread color can be cut.

3.  Press "Start Digitizing."


What threads palettes are available?

Currently available system thread palettes.

  • Isacord Poly
  • Madeira Poly
  • Madeira Frosted Matt
  • Gunold Poly
  • Gunold Sulky
  • ThreadArt
  • Simthread


You can make new thread palettes from a mix and match of any system threads. 
Use can use just your current thread inventory. The system can only pick from the threads you give it to creates a design.

What thread colors can I use for the designs?

Use the thread colors the system selects. Please think of the system like it's a painter, and the thread palette is the paint the system can use when digitizing (painting) a project, but using tricks of the eye to mix thread colors (paint) in your brain.  Changing thread color changes the other colors perceived colors.

To make the system use your thread inventory, create a Thread palette with just the colors from your inventory. Give the painter your paints (Thread Palette) and ask it to paint (digitize) you a picture.

How to not digitize all of the photo

Fully transparent pixels do not get filled. Semi-transparent pixels get filled at a lower density.

Remove the photo parts you don't want to be in your design by making them transparent in your photo.

How do I make parts of the photo I don't want transparent?

This site has simple editing tools, and If the parts of your photo you want to remove are a solid color, you can use a flood eraser or color eraser tools to remove areas. If the area is more complex, you would need to use a photo editor like GIMP(free), Photoshop(subscription), or Pixlr(free) to remove the parts you don’t want 

A web search will provide more programs and instructions on removing backgrounds from images and saving them as transparent png files.



removebg - Remove Image Backgrounds automatically

GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program

Pixlr - Online Photo Editor


Digitizing a photo to see design simulations is free. 

Embroidery sewing files are purchasable at $1.00 per 1000 stitches with a $0.50 minimum.